Thursday, May 05, 2005

Committed 9 Whole Weeks

Tomorrow will be 9 entire weeks since I quit smoking. It hasn't been as difficult as I thought- though I am still using commit nicotine replacement lozenges a little more heavily that I am supposed to at this stage. This is the longest I have gone without smoking since I first started smoking in college. Believe me, I have prayed a lot which is the only reason I can think of for my success thus far this time around. I have quit a few times for about 4 months at a time, but even then I would occasionally succumb to the temptation and have a cigarette or cigar. This time has been different! I am feeling hopeful, which for someone as characteristically pessimistic as me, is a wonderful feeling!
According to the commit box, it takes about 12 weeks to wean yourself off nicotine which seems about right. My new question is how can you wean yourself off food? It's a hard habit to break because you can't go cold turkey on food for very long. My husband and I have decided to lose weight so that we can maybe try for another baby in the near future. The sad thing is we know all it takes is exercise and better eating habits, but we have as of yet figured out how to implement such skills into our everyday life. So, for now I am working on just one bad habit at a time.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

In the Summer Time

Apparently, It's more difficult to write in this blog on a daily basis than I ever imagined. Time slips away and before you know it tomorrow is today. Now that I have only one exam separating me from 3 1/2 months of idleness- it's seems an opportune moment to update my little blog some. Firstly, I need to state that much as it does for my brother, the teacher, summer is an idea many adults don't fully grasp anymore. Just like when my sister makes fun of me by saying that adults don't get a Spring Break-unless you are under 21, a teacher, or otherwise engaged in schooling, summer loses some of it's magic once you get a full-time-life-sucks-but-work-sucks-more kind of job.
I graduated from high school in 1994, and with the exception of maybe one semester, I have always taken at least 3 hours in school, have only really worked teaching preschool, and have always called Spring Break- Spring Break. This time next year when I graduate (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) I will hopefully gain employment in an elementary school-thus keeping the joy and idleness of Spring Break and Summer alive forever!
Point being, I hope to have more time to update my blog this summer, in addition to some more personal goals I will blog about later.