Tuesday, September 26, 2006

TP Anyone?

I wouldn't say I am obsessed with toilet paper, but at someone's house I usually notice the brand if visiting the bathroom. I am not obsessed with toilet paper, but I do almost 99 percent of the time buy White Cloud and only in the 9 roll pack when available. I am not obsessed with toilet paper, but I do have some thoughts on the matter. I have been helping out at Imogen's school and occasionally I have to pee.
I use the girl's bathroom down the hall(who knows if parents are allowed to use the facilities in the teacher's lounge) and both times there was toilet paper there on the roll just waiting to be used. This struck me as wonderful and odd at the same time. The question, how can a school district just afford to stock bathrooms with toilet paper allowing me to choose as many squares as I please????? When I was in elementary school-we had a tp monitor and you were only allowed so many squares-yes I even remember teachers telling the monitors how much to allow per toilet usage option(doing #1 or #2)but I never remember visiting a stall with a roll inside. So now the question is why? Was JPS even then low on funds? Does Rutherford County trust their kiddies more? Who is to say? But I am glad my daughter gets to wipe her butt without having to develop a complex. See I am not obsessed with toilet paper-I just have some thoughts.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Isn't It Ironic?

I have been thinking about posting for about two weeks-Ironically my brother said he would check back on the 20th so today is his lucky day!
Here are my random thoughts for September 20th 2006.

1. Clark likes to eat. He is outgrowing all his clothes. He is down to like 6 onsies that fit and maybe 2 pairs of pajamas. So don't send lawyers, guns and money-send diapers, clothes and money:)
I am thinking he needs 12 months right now, but will easily be in 18 months by Halloween. For those keeping up he is 7 months old now.
2. Imogen took the absolute cutest school pic I have ever seen-a parent at school told me she was gonna look just like Jennifer Anniston.
3. Twice this week people have actually invited me to do things and Imogen is gonna ride horses Saturday so my boredom is actually threatened.
4. My husband and I have a contest to see who can lose the most weight by the end of October. So far it has been a who won't gain the most weight contest. We are truly pathetic.
5. I like to have a number 5 so here it is-My birthday is October 6th. Please send giftcards and cash:) Or cookies me likes cookies.