Thursday, October 19, 2006

Blogstar Day 4

apparently even with great intentions I can't make myself blog everyday. But I just wanted to note -14 pounds as of this morning. The problem is Mark has lost 14 pounds too:)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I looked up the word lonely.

1. affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
2. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support, etc.: a lonely exile.
3. lone; solitary; without company; companionless.
4. remote from places of human habitation; desolate; unfrequented; bleak: a lonely road.
5. standing apart; isolated: a lonely tower.

And the I looked up miserable.

I have decided that I am liserable here in TN.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Blogstar-Day One

For the next 15 days I will be updating on my weightloss status due to the contest I have with my husband that ends October 31rst. In the last week or so I have had several people mention that you should never compete with a man because they lose weight at a much faster rate than a woman, so I do have my work cut out for me. As of today I have 15 days left and I am already about 2 pounds behind. Our goal is 30 pounds each-and the closest to meeting their personal goal wins. So I don't have to lose 30 pounds-just more than he loses. This morning I am at -8.2 pounds. Our official digital scale shows only 1/10 pound increments instead of ounces. My husband and I have decided to not reveal our weight to each other during the remainder of the competition, but since he NEVER reads my blog I guess I am safe LOL!