Saturday, June 03, 2006


I am not a big spider fan-I wouldn't say I have a phobia, but I don't invite them to dinner either. Here at our new (read rented) home we have quite a few eight-legged visitors. Terminix came out and treated the place, but with arachnids, it could be awhile still. My mama suggested a mixture of vinegar and coconut oil sprayed in the corners, but where the heck can ya find coconut oil? And what can I do so that all small creatures will fear me once and for all?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here We Are

We moved Saturday. I am still wondering to myself (how the hell did we get here?) It was all very sudden, though perhaps I couldn't have handled a long drawn out move.
I like the little house we are renting very much. It has a very comfortable feel to it. We have lived in so many rentals that two years from now when we look for a house to buy I'll know what I like and what I don't like for sure. The weather here sucks though! It just started raining again a few moments ago. The neighbors claim I will miss the rain come July. I am sure I will miss Mississippi long before then.