Monday, April 24, 2006


1. We went to Toots today. The wings were 25 cents which Mark called a steal and we spent too much on games but we did win a bear which Imogen(with guidance) named Smyrna.
2. My dad thinks blogs are very ironic-people once considered their diaries to be very personal, private things-now we get excited when our counter goes up and people read are private most intimate thoughts.
3. I wish I could write as well as my brother.
4. My cousin-in-law Tim got a piece of metal in his eye and had to have it removed with a special drill- which does not sound like the most fun to have on a Monday afternoon. Please say a little prayer that his vision is affected.
5. Mr. Oliver Please slept from about 11:30 til almost 6:00 this morning without liquid nourishment which I think is pretty darn alright!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the prayer request! Looks like you get more uninterrupted sleep than I get. :)

April 24, 2006 at 9:33 PM  

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