Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tuesday Theology and Pac Man God

We had a speaker at Chapel on Tuesday. I believe he is a soon retiring professor at the college. He retold the well known shepherd- looses -one- of -his -sheep story. He did add a twist that( in all my many years of churching) I had not heard before. He said is was a good thing the shepherd had not attended RTS (Reformed Theological Seminary) because he would simply believe that the lost sheep was predestined to hell anyway. I also like something else this grand ole Baptist had to say. God isn't mad at us when we are lost, He is actually sad. Now I don't want God to be sad or mad, but this "sad thing" is different than the Pac Man God I grew up believing in. Maybe, just maybe God isn't out to get us. Maybe He won't chomp us up if we make a bad turn or don't complete the board quickly enough. Maybe raising your child to believe that God is sad with our poor decisions instead of mad at us when we fail to make the right choices is a better option. What I do know is that re-learning what you were churched to believe is HARD WORK.


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